Wednesday, August 12, 2009

health care

I sit here today in wonder at the protests of health care in our country. I find it so difficult that health care is not available to everybody. All people and anything living for that matter should be able to visit a doctor when in need without having to sell everything they own or take out a loan to pay for it. Are these just the worries of the insurance industry? The doctors, nurses, and care providers? Does this really all come down to the all mighty dollar?

With all the money in this country there should be no concern over anything like health care

give me a break. We have so much money in this world that every human being should have all basic needs met. Shelter, food, clothes, and health. After that we should all "work" to achieve goals the we want. Don't you agree that once all people had their basic needs met would do more for the whole world?

There is a false belief out there, that there isn't enough for everybody. The truth is there is more than enough for every single living creature on our planet.

Money (profit) it all comes down to profit: who can screw who the hardest and make the most money.

Where's the compassion, the love for another?